東京の狛犬掲載数 1,281対(863地点)
During the Edo period, Komainu underwent changes alongside the shifting times. In the early 1700s, Komainu were characterized by their simplicity, wildness, and unique individuality, embodying a refined aesthetic unique to Edo. However, as the 1800s progressed, Komainu began to compete in displaying the graceful and elegant flow of their manes and tails, reflecting a desire for elegance and splendor. In Shinagawa and Ota wards, many familystyle Komainu sculptures depict the graceful movements of playful lion cubs with remarkable finesse. As a result, Edo's Komainu stand out for their diversity and originality, showcasing a fusion of Edo's unique aesthetic sensibilities and the craftsmanship of its artisans, a blend not found in other regions.
・2024.11.16 渋谷区「鳩森八幡神社」画像更新
・2024.12.1 山梨県南巨摩郡「飛川神社」
・2024.12.22 西多摩郡「熊野神社(棚澤)」
◆東京の狛犬掲載 863地点・1,281狛犬
◆東日本の狛犬掲載 91地点・ 145狛犬
◆西日本の狛犬掲載 313地点・ 681狛犬
➡狛犬掲載総数 1,267地点・2,107狛犬